Berean Memorial Church | Leon Adkins

Mr. Leon Adkins

Mr. Leon AdkinsLeon Adkins, the son of a Baptist pastor, was born in Dallas, Texas. As a teenager, he moved with his family to Oklahoma, where he lived until 1972. He received his Bachelor of Arts from East Central State College, a Masters of Arts in Biblical Studies from Dallas Theological Seminary and did graduate work at the University of Guanajuato in Mexico. Before being called to lead the Berean ministries in Irving, Leon was an artist for outdoor advertising companies and a public school teacher specializing in Fine Art and Spanish.

Mr. Adkins has been a member of Berean Memorial Church since 1972. He has been actively involved in the church, serving as a teacher in Berean Christian Academy, school board member, elder, Sunday school teacher, director of Christian education and leader in Berean Youth Clubs. He and his wife, Sheilah, met at Berean Memorial Church and were married in 1988. Their son, James was born in 1992.

Mr. Adkins believes that there are many Bible instructors, but only one teacher, the Holy Spirit. It is his sincere prayer that God will use his spiritual gifts as a channel of transforming truth.


1000 E. 6th Street
Irving TX, 75060

Service Times

Sunday: 1st Service - 9:30AM
Sunday: 2nd Service - 10:45AM

Get In Touch
Phone: (972) 438-1440